Bluetooth low energy overview
What to keep in mind when developing your BLE Android app
Where to Start with Android Beacon App Development?
Bluetooth Low Energy on Android, Part 1
Which Beacons are Compatible with iOS and Android?
Bluetooth Low Energy On Android
Bluetooth Scanning on Android Oreo
Android O Bluetooth 5 Device API Observations
What Bluetooth Developers Should Know About Android O
Google’s Proximity Beacon API
Android Arsenal Bluetooth
Working with GATT on Android
Should I Use the Manufacturer iBeacon SDKs?
Android Things - Communicating with Bluetooth Low Energy devices
Android Lollipop: Bluetooth LE Matures
Android BLE Library
Allows Android apps to interact with BLE beacons
KBA_BT_0913: BLE Central and GATT client example - working with an Android app
Android BluetoothLeGatt Sample
DeviceHive Android Gateway for BLE devices
Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework
easiBeacon Basic iBeacon Android Library
A compat library for Bluetooth Low Energy scanning on Android
Android Bluetooth LE Resources
The Ultimate Guide to Android Bluetooth Low Energy
New Android Bluetooth Scanning library
Advanced Bluetooth on Android
New Android Bluetooth Scanning library