Bluetooth - Apple Developer
Using the correct Bluetooth LE Advertising and Connection Parameters for a stable connection
Turning an iOS Device into an iBeacon
iBeacon App Mechanism
Getting started with Bluetooth Low Energy on iOS
Create a Bluetooth LE App for iOS
iBeacon App Development Considerations
Core Bluetooth Tutorial for iOS: Heart Rate Monitor
Which Beacons are Compatible with iOS and Android?
How to Make an iOS App to Control a Robot Using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Zero to BLE on iOS - Part One
Working with Core Bluetooth in iOS 11
Hacking with iBeacons: What I wish I’d known
iOS & OSX Bluetooth library for RxSwift
Tools for working with beacons with CoreBluetooth
iOS Bluetooth LE framework
Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
iOS Bluetooth LE framework
A declarative, efficient, and flexible BLE wrapper for scanning, pairing & discovering services of BLE devices
New MacOS iBeacon Programs
Talking to a Bluetooth LE peripheral with Swift/iOS
Build an iBeacon detector with object binding and custom modifiers
A New Way to Debug iOS
Bluetooth Applications
Stepping Source Code
iBeacon Scanning and Region Monitoring on iOS 14
iOS CoreBluetooth Mock Library